Hungry to Volunteer in Portland, OR?

Too busy to read my feelings? No worries! Just scroll down for Organization List!

I’ve been feeling very fearful over the last few days. Like so many in my family and my community, I’m frightened about the trajectory our nation may take over the next four years. And I’m sick to my stomach over the violence and hate crimes that have already begun.

These are big things, much bigger than I have ever had to wrap my head around before. I keep hoping that some trustworthy person–preferably a wise and witty Jon Stewart-type–will tell me what to do and how to move forward and confidently say to me that if I just follow these certain steps, it will all be fine. No such person has come forward. There is no certain set of steps. It will not be fine.

And yet many frightened, confused people around me are trying things. They are taking actions, starting somewhere. Because they know that just waiting to see what comes is not an option. We have to be ready. We have to hold each other up.

Anyway, you’ve heard it all before. I just want to offer what I’ve been working on tonight. It’s an incomplete list of organizations in Portland that are already working on some of the issues that I am most concerned about in this political climate. I have included links to their “Volunteer” or “Get Involved” pages, where you can sign up to join them in their essential work. You can also donate. I’m sure there are many other worthy orgs out there that need our help, so please comment below if there are others you’d like people to know about.

Environmental Issues:

Civil Liberties & Human Rights:

Racial Justice

Women’s Health/Reproductive Rights:

Gun Violence Prevention:

Education/Working with kids

Find Lots More

There are so so so so so many more organizations working on these causes and more. This is just a start, a jumping off place to find the spot where I (and I hope, you!) can be most useful in this time of need. Please comment or message me to let me know of other local organizations or chapters I should add to the list. I look forward to working alongside you for a safer, more just, more inclusive, more sustainable community.


Hungry to Volunteer in Portland, OR?

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